February 17, 2010

Jon's Project

Jon has been so busy lately, which is great! His passion is woodworking and he is in seventh heaven when he is out in his shop. So, some new doors kind of opened for him when he built a trophy base for a sheep. The taxidermist took it to the hunting expo in Salt Lake and it sounds like some great things are going to come from it. (We hope!) He is so talented and does a great job. Now I just have to find more black walnut wood for my kitchen because he used most of it on this. Oh well, hopefully it will be worth it.
Jon's mom took the kids for Valentines weekend and it was so nice. Jon and I actually got to go on a little date, first time in years. We went to Salt Lake to the hunting expo and then went out to dinner. Not much, but great to spend some time with one another. Then I had to talk in church on Sunday and teach Relief Society, not fun! Anyway, great weekend!

January 22, 2010


I love this time of year! Snow is my favorite thing! Some people say that I'm crazy but, oh well. We had a great Christmas and just stayed home the entire holiday. It was really nice and relaxing especially since before Christmas was crazy! The kids were spoiled again and it was so much fun to watch them open their presents. Logan got a Wii and some other things, Maddi was so happy to get the American Girl doll that she wanted. All Brooke wanted was make-up and I can't believe that I actually gave it to her. She has done pretty good with it and has really decked herself out. Briggs got a four-wheeler and loves it! Jon surprised me with a new camera and I was so excited!!!! We got Jon new clothes and some Bogg boots. Good times!!!

The kids have loved the snow! I think that Logan could live outside. He spends hours and hours in it. We went sledding with the family and Briggs had a little accident. We spent New Years at the hospital getting stitches. I guess we all need a few battle scars in our life. I'm just grateful that my brother-in-law, who is a vet, was there. It was a little too much blood for me.

That's pretty much all that we have been doing. Playing in the snow, snuggling up to the fire, and just spending time together as a family. I am so grateful for my family and their different personalities that bring such joy into my life. I am looking forward to a great year!

December 7, 2009

Birthday, Surgery, Thanksgiving, & NFR

Life has been a little busy at our house the past little while. Lots of things going on but great memories!
My sister-in-law came down for Thanksgiving and took some pictures of our family. I love the way the pictures turned out of the kids. Thanks McCall! We are not the easiest family to cooperate with pictures.

We just got back from the NFR with my family. I love spending time with myfamily and we always have a great time. There are always quite a few laughs, especiallly at dinner. This was my mom's birthday dinner. Thanks for the great time!
On Thanksgiving we went to Bryce. It was so great to wake up to this! I had to grab my camera because I think it's the prettiest place ever. I love fresh snow! It was a great weekend!

Maddi had surgery a couple of weeks ago on her eyes. They cut all the muscles off her eyes and then stitched them back on. It took her about four days to open her eyes. The stitches are falling out now and so far, they are doing better. The doctor is pleased with how everything went. She can see about 50% now and that is better! Hopefullly it will continue to get better.
Briggs turned two. I can't believe my baby is that old. He didn't really care for his birthday. His favorite thing was the dump truck that the Dansie's gave him and the trucks on his cake. He didn't really care for the clothes that his family gave him. We love him so much. He brings such joy to our family. I love how he is always trying to help me, whether it's building a fire, doing laundry, or doing dishes, he is always trying to help.

November 12, 2009

Halloween & Science Fair

Wow, time needs to slow down just a little bit. We've been really busy at our house and having lots of fun too! Brooke got to perform her first dance routine for Halloween. She absolutly loves dance and has a ball. She did so great and was not afraid at all.

We had a great Halloween. I hate buying Halloween costumes so we took what we had and tried to make the best of it. I guess the homemade kind are great too, right. Maddi used my old drillteam costume and we made it into the Little Red Hen. Logan was a mighty hunter, Brooke a clown, and Briggs was a scarecrow. Briggs hated his costume until he found out there was candy involved. He was all about it after that.

Logan had his science fair and he got 3rd place. He did a great job, especially for doing it by himself. He loves science and is all about learning. He did his project on how the color of your house can make a difference in your heating and cooling bills. It was kind of interesting. We are so proud of him!

We are all doing great and looking forward to the holidays!

September 23, 2009

Time Flies

Wow, I can't believe that fall is here and summer is over. Time goes by so fast and it seems like I never get the things accomplished that I need to. It's been so long since I have posted anything on here. Summer was great but I do have to say that the highlight was going to George Strait with my sisters and a few friends. I went for the entertainment of watching my sister Holly because she is his BIGGEST fan. She made me laugh and we had a great time. You can see by the van that we all went in that she kept us all entertained. George was great and it was a very good concert.

The kids are all doing great and back into the routine of everything. Let's see, Brooke is still all smiles. I have never met a happier child. She loves everyone and everything. Most of all she loves her new babysitter and can't wait to go everyday. It makes going to work a whole lot easier. She also started dance and thinks she needs to go everyday.

Maddi loves 2nd grade. I tried to get her to be in my class but she refused! (probably for the best though) She is busy with dance and piano and just being a girl. She loves clothes, riding her bike, and her American girl dolls are still her favorite.

Logan is busy with football and is loving it. He also thinks that 4th grade is the best ever. He is growing up and it's hard to believe that he's 9. It makes me feel very old. He is a great help to me and his dad.
Briggs is growing everyday. I keep thinking that he is going to stop. He loves tractors and trucks. (anything with wheels) He is all boy and loves to be outside. I hope that his talking will catch up with him. (he doesn't like to say a whole lot) I dont' think I've ever met a more serious child. We are trying to get him to lighten up a little bit.

Life is good and we're just trying to stay busy. School is great and I have a wonderful class this year. Jon is just busy with work and more work. We love this time of year and spending time getting wood, cooler days, colorful leaves, it's just great.

July 1, 2009

Can You Believe It??

O.K. I have to admit that I am married to the luckiest man alive. The other day he went for a horse ride with his dad. On the ride they had to stop at different stations to get a card punched. (It was kind of like a card game) Whoever had the best hand at the end of the ride won a saddle. There were about 70-80 people on this ride and Jon won. When he called and told me I didn't believe him. I do have to say that he is pretty lucky. I've never win anything! It is a pretty nice saddle and he was pretty excited. Although, now he has two saddles to break in because he has another new one at home.

Logan and Maddi both celebrated their birthdays. All Logan wanted was baseball stuff, including a baseball cake. He is such a great kid and so patient and kind. I wish that all of us could be as easy going as he is. (Sometimes)
Maddison wanted to get her ears peirced. My mom and I took her shopping and she got them done. I forgot to take pictures, of course. She absolutly loves them and thinks that she is pretty big stuff now that she is 7. We also went on a birthday picnic at the park.

We took the kids to the temple open house and then took a little tour around temple square. The kids had a lot of fun and it was good to get out and do something. It seems like we are always too busy working and doing things around the house to go anywhere. We took them to the top of the Joseph Smith memorial building and ate. Brooke has never been on an elevator before and she absolutly hated it. She screamed and tried to run away when we went to go back down. It was such a fun day!
Let's see, what else have we been doing? Baseball and softball just ended this week. (YEA) Yes, we love playing but we are ready to actually have a summer. Logan earned his wolf in scouts and the kids are now in swimming lessons. Briggs has lived in the mud, Brooke has played dress-ups every day, Maddi lives on her bike and on the swing, and Logan is just hanging out and keeping his egg business going. The summer is flying by and before we know it we'll be back in school. There just is never enough time to get everything done and do the things we want to in the summer.

June 24, 2009

Janice Twitchell Photography

So my cousing married this way cute girl who we think is great. She has just started photography and is doing a great job! Check out her blog at http://janicetwitchellphotography.blogspot.com/